• V. V. Zaychenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Keywords: technological competitiveness of economy, intellectual property, intellectualization of economy, digi-talization, state regulation


The purpose of the article is to substantiate effective modern instruments for implementing state policy aimed at stimulating the development of intellectualization and digitalization processes in the real sector of Ukraine's economy as trends focused on strengthening the technological competitiveness of the national economy. Factors influ-encing the development of intellectualization and digitalization of Ukraine 's economy have been identified. The modern conditions under which the state policy of informational economy development in Ukraine is formed are characterized. The results of ranking individual countries of the world according to international indices, which take into account the assessment of indicators of the digital economy and knowledge society and the results of correlation analysis of interna-tional indices for 20 countries are presented. The strategic priorities of the state policy of ensuring the development of the intellectualization and digitalization processes in the real sector of the Ukraine 's economy are determined. Peculi-arities and priority spheres of intellectualization and digitalization of the basic types of economic activity in Ukraine are substantiated. Emphasis is placed on threats to the digital transformation and technological restructuring of Ukraine, which primarily relate to unpreparedness of society to make full use of digital technologies, low technological readiness of business, data insecurity and insufficient cybersecurity of the state, immaturity of the intellectual property market and unreliable protection of intellectual products. Based on the conducted research, it is proved that the strate-gic priorities of Ukraine towards its formation as a technologically capable state lie in three planes: 1) the formation of a digital society based on knowledge and new technologies; 2) creation of a digital state on the basis of e-government and e-inclusive democracy; 3) introduction of digital business within the single digital market.


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