• O. H. Sydorchuk Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Keywords: social security, social policy, quality of life, institutional impact, employment, unemployment, human capital


The article is devoted to identifying the targets of institutional support for social security of citizens and society as a whole under the conditions of insurmountable social crises. According to public opinion polls, the main priorities of citizens in terms of social security are determined, including favorable and safe living conditions, decent standard of living, confidence in the future, protection of rights and freedoms of citizens. Instead, outside the crisis, citizens attached less importance to the problems of employment, accessibility and quality of medical services, ensuring a healthy lifestyle. Certain features of employment indicate an imbalance, which is manifested in increased demand for low-skilled workers, which undermines the motivation for professional growth and development, accompanied by significant losses of human and labor capital and social apathy. At the same time, the study proved that unsatisfactory wages, employment, unemployment, imbalances in the labor market cause social security threats, such as low employ-ment in certain age groups, especially young people, including education and professional training. Certain features of employment indicate an imbalance, which is manifested in increased demand for low-skilled workers, which under-mines the motivation for professional growth and development, accompanied by significant losses of human and labor capital and social apathy. The threats that have arisen and the level of unemployment, including long-term, create con-ditions for an unfavorable social environment and become a source of social tension in society. It was found that the pandemic outbreak in early 2020 shifted priorities in the public perception of social dangers, causing a significant decline in the economy, trade, price fluctuations, rising unemployment and declining incomes of the majority of the population, which negatively affected living standards. It is shown that in the conditions of global social crises and force majeure the priority of state care becomes the least protected segments of the population and different variations of influence of social security of the state are simultaneously detected. In further research, it is advisable to identify possible tools for implementing social policy for timely and effective prevention of dangerous social manifestations.


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