With the use of automatic ARIMA procedure, forecasts for the 2000-2021 period of the gross domestic product (GDP), agricultural and industrial production, as well as of the retail trade turnover, are presented. Such a study is of interest for assessment of economic recovery in Ukraine. Causal links to the terms-of-trade, as defined by the ratio between export (agricultural raw materials and metals) and import (crude oil) commodity prices, as well as to exchange rate, money supply and the length of the quarantine period, are accounted for. Our results imply a decrease in the GDP level by 11-12% in 2020, with a gradual recovery in output by the end of 2021. Decline in the industrial production is expected at 18%, somewhat above a trough of the 20082010 рeriod. Industrial production is supposed to stabilize by the fall of 2020; however, no fast recovery of Ukraine’s industry is expected. Moreover, industrial growth could slow down since the middle of 2021, similar to developments earlier in 2010. Agricultural production will be lower by the end of 2020, with a weak recovery to follow. It is likely that post-crisis recovery of agriculture will be somewhat weaker as compared with the 20082009 рeriod. Exchange rate behavior is important. It is demonstrated that a depreciation of the exchange rate up to 35 hryvnas per dollar would have relatively small contractionary impact upon the GDP and retail trade levels, while the level of industrial output is envisaged to be 11% lower by the end of 2021 in comparison with the basic scenario of exchange rate stability within the range between 27 and 28 hryvnas per dollar. Both crisis developments and exchange rate do not affect the agricultural production. Our study seems to be important for continuation of the research on the exchange rate shock-absorbing properties in Ukraine.
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