• V. O. Psota “Zhytomyr Polytechnic” State University
Keywords: public procurement, public sector, life cycle, green procurement, sustainable economic development


The article examines the current problems of the efficient use of budget funds in the context of sustainable development of the country's economy. As a result of the study, the concepts of “saving” and “efficiency” of budget funds were analyzed and it was proved that the efficient use of budget funds occurs when social, environmental and economic criteria are met in the process of public procurement. The article analyzes the current legislation on public procurement to fulfill Ukraine’s obligations towards European integration in building a sustainable economy using public procurement tools. In particular, the new concept of “life cycle cost” was investigated and it was proposed to expand its components with an environmental factor. It was found that there is no general methodology that generalized and unified approaches to determining the winner of tenders in order to ensure optimal efficiency in using public finances. The normative regulation of accounting for the life cycle of goods at tenders is analyzed and it is proved that the responsibility for fulfilling this norm lies entirely with the customer, who must take into account the cost of the life cycle of goods at the stage of planning and preparation of requirements for the subject of procurement. In the article, much attention is paid to the environmental component in the product life cycle. A procurement analysis was carried out during 2017-2019, and priority sectors were identified for the urgent application of the green procurement idea, and it was proposed to introduce them, as a criterion for determining the winner of tenders, at the regional and local levels. Today, effective public procurement, which would take into account social, economic and environmental criteria when selecting a winner, is used very little, so further research should be associated with finding a strategy to increase the share of environmental products during public procurement.


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