• I. M. Oschypok Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: digital economy, hotel, restaurant, business, digitalization


The concept of digital economy is considered as complex and multifaceted. Digital economy should be defined by that part of economic activity which is based on use of digital technologies, its obviously direct influence on processes in hotel&restaurant business. The development of scientific research and advanced digital technologies have led to civilizational changes in world economic development and led to the emergence of a new type of economy, within which the transformation of business models of competitive enterprises take place. Online hotel and restaurant reserva-tions will improve the quality of service, make the city's infrastructure more "smart" and energy efficient. The definition of the digital economy is considered and its three key components are identified. The attention is focused on the development of some effectively functioning components of digital economy. An important direction of the hotel&restaurant business development can be a platform business, which provides significant competition rights in comparison with traditional models. Digital platforms are increasingly appearing in traditional service industries and are leading to rapid innovation, changing lines as well as structure of industry markets and competition standards. The role of func-tioning of social&production systems (SPS) at the present stage is shown, features and regularities of reproductive functioning of SPS of the hotel&restaurant enterprises are revealed. The process of high technologies creation through the transformation of innovation and digitalization into a key factor in digital economy is an integral basis of effective development and growth. Studying some properties of the considered systems, it is determined that at change of one component there are influences on other elements and all this further leads to transformation of all business which indicates on their integrity. The use of cloud computing and general virtualization allows not only to achieve the target values of reliability, productivity and flexibility of the hotel&restaurant industry platform, but also greatly facilitate its operation, as well as reduce equipment costs due to a higher degree of machine parts unification.


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