• A.O. Natorina Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University
Keywords: online business, retail, IT risk, qualitative assessment of IT risks, cybersecurity, cyberincident, contin-uum of unified activities


It is substantiated that the rational management of IT risks is the catalyst for the dynamic online business development in the context of digital transformation and changing marketing environment. It forms the foundation for the active relevant actions implementation to increase the online business competitiveness in accordance with its vision, mission and allows to achieve the planned metrics in the shortest possible time. The systematized list of IT risks of online business which divided into three groups (IT maintenance and support risks; IT potential management risks; IT administration risks) is developed and its graphical interpretation is given. The proposed IT risks take into account the specifics of digital transformation and its impact on the online business set and development. The scientific and method-ical approach to assessing the probability of IT risks and making correct management decisions to level or eliminate them in the future is substantiated. The scientific and methodical approach involves the identification of the status of the IT risks online business, taking into account which allows to develop the relevant management plan. The proposed sci-entific and methodical approach is tested by the example of Ukrainian retailers that have online business in different market segments (food retail; drogerie; home appliances and electronics retail; DIY-retail). The preconditions and causes of online business IT risks of the studied set of Ukrainian retailers in clusters are determined. Reasonable expla-nations are given on the significance and likelihood of the online business IT risks of retailers in accordance with their identified statuses. It is developed the continuum of unified activities to reduce the negative consequences of three groups IT risks. It based on the results of testing the justified scientific and methodical approach.


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