• T. V Kalaitan Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • T. O. Gerasymenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: ABC-analysis, ABC-classification criteria, food stocks, restaurant business, management


The article explores the features of the food stocks ABC-analysis taken into consideration the restaurant industry specifics. The feasibility of applying the multicriteria approach to conducting the ABC-analysis is substantiat-ed. The specificity of this service sector segment is that restaurant business enterprises combine food production, the sales of purchased goods and products of their own production as well as eating organization. At the same time, finan-cial results are accounted for using such a technique as in trade. The sales cost of own products production by enter-prises of the restaurant business includes only the initial products cost. With this in mind, it is proposed to use the cost of food stocks, the frequency of their use as well as the contribution to the financial result as criteria when conducting the ABC-classification of food stocks. As a result of such an analysis, each product will have three ratings at the same time - by cost, by frequency of use and by contribution to the financial result. The difficulty of determining the contribu-tion of each type of food stocks in the financial result is indicated. To address this issue, a combination of raw material matrix and ABC-analysis of sales results is proposed. Moreover, it is proposed to use the product cost, frequency of sales and trade margin as main criteria indicators. The combination of the ABC-analysis of sales results and the food matrix makes it possible to obtain a list of products that are critical in terms of contribution to the financial result, as well as to sort them according to the importance of dishes and the prevalence of the ingredient. The practical imple-mentation of the proposed approaches to ABC-analysis will allow to form an appropriate informational and analytical base for the formation of highly effective targeted management actions aimed at increase the efficiency of food stocks managing of restaurant business enterprises.


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