• L.G. Мedvid Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • B. B. Semak Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: scientific work of students, institutions of higher education, applicants of higher education, individual educational trajectory, student-centered approach, essay, abstract, report, article


The article is devoted to one of the current problems of higher education - the organization of scientific work of students as a part of the formation of their individual educational trajectory. In particular, the essence of such a concept as scientific work of students is revealed and its tasks in terms of improving the processes of individualization of learning, implementation of student-centered approach, which implies consideration of the individual capabilities and needs of higher education applicants, expanding their freedom to choose forms and methods of scientific work, students' determination of individual scientific search, and as a consequence - conscious formation of individual educa-tional trajectory, are disclosed. The internal factors that contribute to the motivation of higher education applicants to implement the scientific work are highlighted. It is also noted that when organizing student scientific work it is neces-sary to consider the personal characteristics of students in their readiness for scientific activity. It is emphasized on the characteristics of the main forms of scientific work of students: scientific work of students in the educational process, provided by curricula and programs of educational components, and scientific work of students, which is carried out under the guidance of scientific&teaching staff during the extracurricular activities. The main ways of presenting the results of students' research work are characterized, namely: essay, abstract, report, article, presentation, etc. The necessity of introduction of modern forms of scientific work both in educational process and in extracurricular time is substantiated. Thus, promising and effective forms of scientific work of students, according to the authors, are their involvement in research in enterprises or corporations related to the development of case studies; participation of stu-dents in competitions for research grants, participation in research projects, specialized student research communities, online forums and discussions. Participation in such scientific work must be represented in the individual curriculum of the applicant and considered by employers during the employment process as one of the advantages in the labor mar-ket.


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