• S. M. Kruk Health Department of Lviv Regional State Administration
Keywords: health care system, competition, high-tech innovation, creative activity, research


The article deals with the development of scientific activity as the main driver of creative transformations in the healthcare system of Ukraine. Structural socio-economic transformations require restructuring of relationships with international financial institutions. Priority in concluding interstate agreements is projects of joint science-intensive research, development of creative high-tech medical technologies. The purpose of the article is to determine the place and peculiarities of development of creative and scientific potential in the field of medical creative transformations, delineation of problem areas of creativization of domestic medicine and possible prospects for solving these problems. The study found that despite the uniformity of sectoral distribution over the years, there is a stable tendency to reduce the number of creatively active organizations. The National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMC) unites 36 state-owned scientific institutions, independently selects research areas and develops research directions. The availability of highly educated human resources is ensured by appropriate directions in public and private medical universities, postgraduate institutions. Analysis of patent activity showed a significant dominance of trademarks, while useful models accounted for 17%, inventions 7.6%, industrial designs 4.5%. Priority direction of scientific activity of NAMS of Ukraine is development of information technologies, in particular scientific projects in the field of biotechnologies are being developed. However, the quality of medical services in Ukraine is far behind industrialized nations, which requires a transition to world standards in medical education and science. The intellectual potential of domestic medical science is reflected through the dynamics of scientific works and defended dissertations, but the perception of scientific activity as a formal requirement for career advancement leads to its profanity. The globalization of research orientation opens up the prospect of integration with the European Research Area, but requires the approximation of institutional support for science to EU requirements. The problems of disproportionality and the general insufficiency of financing of the national scientific branch, requiring the transition to grant financing of scientific activity of physicians, the need for changes in the system of management of science, optimization of management of scientific institutions, have been proved.


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