• N. G. Mitsenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • B. V. Ivanova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Y. V. Shapovalova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: European market, domestic enterprise, sales potential, export of goods, trends of export development, factors of influence, export consulting


The article deals with the actual problems of formation of sales potential of domestic enterprises, which in the conditions of the deep and comprehensive free trade area with the EU were given the opportunity to go beyond the internal market and become part of the European business community. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problems of formation of sales potential of domestic enterprises in the European market on the basis of determining trends in the development of goods export from Ukraine, to identify factors that hinder the entry of enterprises into foreign markets, to justify the directions of European market expansion. The essence of the concept of “sales potential of the enterprise in the foreign market” is defined. Given the complexity of the process of enterprise entry to the foreign market, the role of information resources in shaping its sales potential is highlighted. Based on the study of statistical information, the domestic enterprises products and services exports index as a resultant indicator of their entry into foreign markets and implementation of their sales potential, the tendencies of exports commodity and geographical structure change are identified, the necessity of their consideration during the development of enterprise export strategy is substantiated. The study summarized the main constraints and threats to Ukrainian enterprises entering European markets in terms of external (political, economic and social) and internal factors. The necessity of an innovative-active economic model of export-oriented Ukrainian enterprises for the production of competitive products for the European market and mobilization for this purpose of their innovation and investment potential is substantiated. The use of export consulting services to improve the competencies of enterprises in marketing research of new markets, pricing and formation of a product promotion system on them, planning of sales volumes, construction of the distribution network is proposed. The export commodity priorities of the 8 most promising for the development of Ukrainian exports to EU countries have been identified. Further studies should be directed at the development of domestic enterprises export strategy in the European market and organizational and economic mechanisms for its implementation.


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