The article summarizes various approaches, which are divided into three main groups of factors that contribute to the formation of innovative environment of the region: economic factors, production&technological factors, administrative factors. The definition of the information infrastructure as an institutional basis for efficient information circulation among service companies in the process of meeting information needs which determines the potential for the generation of new knowledge and, as a consequence, determines the level of their innovativeness. The technological advances of recent information revolutions, the expansion of networked information technologies have greatly increased the productivity and efficiency of the information infrastructure, which has led to changes in its infrastructure, which ultimately made it possible to significantly reduce transaction costs in economy. Based on the definitions given in the article, using system analysis, the key parameters of the information infrastructure of the region are considered as a system with a set of interacting elements that have a certain integral quality that is not peculiar to each element individually. The structure of system analysis is studied based on each component system qualities, as well as the association of their systemic properties. The attribute characteristics of the information infrastructure of the region are highlighted. It is noted that the information factor is integrative for different types of enterprises, and all factors of production take the form of property, whereby the movement of a certain type of capital creates a specific structure as well as infrastructure corresponding to it. The subjects of information infrastructure are the persons involved in the processes of creating, transfering and using the information. Also, the number of subjects includes organizations, state bodies, public organizations and citizens. The rather broad subject composition of the information infrastructure of the region is, first of all, a feature for ensuring interaction and communication among all participants of economic relations. In this regard, the classification of all subjects of information infrastructure is introduced.
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