The purpose of the article is to analyze the instruments for implementing the regulatory policy of the small entrepreneurship sector. The article examines the legal and regulatory framework for state regulatory policy in order to identify the instruments for its implementation. The analysis of economic literature concerning the existing classification of state regulatory policy instruments has been carried out. A characteristic and a graphic representation of the organizational procedure sequence for the regulatory policy implementation is presented, where each of the stages and measures of such an algorithm actually serves as an appropriate instrument. The macroeconomic, financial, resourcing, technical, technological, intellectual, personnel, investment, innovative, informational, communicatinal as well as functional instruments for the regulatory policy implementation of the small entrepreneurship sector are described. It is proved that the central element of the state regulatory policy of small entrepreneurhip development is the formation of a qualitative legal and regulatory framework for commercial economic activity, and the auxiliary ones are economic, organizational, infrastructure and resource components. Implementation of the state regulatory policy requires the formation and implementation of a systemic set of instruments related to the following groups: normative-procedural, functional, structural, managerial, institutional, organizational, specialized.
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