• О. О. Perepolkina Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: financial stability, macroprudential policy, monetary policy, stress testing, risks of the banking sector


The article considers the importance of ensuring the stability of financial systems in the conditions of un-certainty caused by the global pandemic. The priority of the goals of price and financial stability in the functioning of the NBU has been determined. The economic meaning of financial stability is defined as the state of the financial sys-tem, when it is able to perform properly its basic functions, such as financial intermediation and making payments, as well as withstand crisis phenomena. The content of the NBU's macroprudential policy, the principles of its implementa-tion and the tools of macroprudential regulation used to ensure the stability of the financial system are characterized. Thus, the need to ensure control of calculations is emphasized, the mechanism and objects of the oversight of payment systems are revealed. The range of indicators that determine financial stability is considered, their level in the condi-tions of application of quarantine restrictions is investigated. The efficiency of ensuring financial stability by the Na-tional Bank is analyzed; it is determined that its high efficiency was achieved due to the deactivation of capital buffers, recommendations to banks to refrain from paying dividends, creating favourable regulatory conditions for loans re-structuring, providing banks with liquidity in the required amounts through standard NBU refinancing instruments. The threats of the financial sector are revealed on the basis of the results of stress testing introduced by the NBU, the risks of the banking system functioning are investigated (credit risk, capital adequacy risk, liquidity risk, legal risk, currency and profitability risk). Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of financial stability for public authorities and banking institutions are highlighted; emphasis is placed on promising areas of research, among which the increase of the level of money supply balance, improvement of the parameters of the financial and credit sector, de-shadowing of the monetary sector and response to the challenges of globalization in the monetary sphere.


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