• V. A. Panchenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after V. Vynnychenko
Keywords: analysis, method of economic analysis, methods, microeconomics, special research methods, economic model


The article analyzes in detail the existing research methods. As a result of the study, the author found that general research methods are not all suitable for economic theory. This can lead to distortion of the results, misinter-pretation of the identified factors. The main scientific categories of microeconomics are determined: "method of eco-nomic analysis", "method of conducting economic analysis". The aim of the article is to conduct a scientific analysis and comparison of existing methods of economic research and select the method or group of methods that would be best suited for microeconomic research and the reliability of analytical results. It is determined that microeconomic re-search begins with the collection and study of the facts of economic life, and the study of causation allows to establish the motives of behavior of economic agents and build a model. It is determined that the method of economic analysis - a set of techniques and methods for studying the economic activity of any economic object by identifying and determining the impact of individual factors and parameters, quantitative and qualitative changes in economic indicators over time. It is found out which methods of economic research are used to build economic models, and a group of special research methods is proposed as the most reliable tool for conducting microeconomic research. It is proved that for microeco-nomic research it is expedient to use a group of special research methods. Special research methods include: methods of collecting information; information processing methods; methods of analytical work implementation; methods of planned calculations and justifications; forecasting methods. Special research methods that will be used in microeco-nomic research are based on economic and mathematical analysis and mathematical programming. The main economic models of the firm are considered, which are based on microeconomic indicators: "sales maximization model", "busi-ness growth maximization model", "management behavior model".


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