• I. R. Bodnar Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: information space, information society, global information networks, telecommunication technologies, international information exchange


The development of the information space is a necessary condition for the country's entry into the infor-mation society. The purpose of this study is to identify problems of influence on the process of Ukraine's integration into the global information space, analysis of the national information space in terms of information and communication technologies development as well as to formulate priority areas of information policy implementation as a basis for effective information integration. It is determined that the national information space is undergoing a new stage of de-velopment related to integration into the global and European information space.
The structural development of the information space sectors is undergoing various changes, when some sectors (print media, archives) do not meet European standards and are experiencing declining trends, while other sectors, such as the Internet, mobile communications, show rapid growth. The formation of the information society is based on the latest information and telecommunication technologies as well as means of communication. It is new technologies that have led to the rapid spread of global information networks, especially the Internet, which opens up fundamentally new opportunities for international information exchange. In this regard, an analysis of the functioning of the national information space is done, the problems of the national information market are studied, the sound provisions for the development of the information society in Ukraine are proposed. One of the necessary conditions for further research should be the profound study of the national information space development and the integration of Ukraine into global information structures. It is important in this direction to create a comprehensive and effective protectionist government policy, which should be based on the development of relevant industries and ensure their sustainable development.


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