The article considers the current problems of development of the agricultural-industrial complex of Ukraine in the context of ensuring the appropriate level of competitiveness of agricultural product producers. The aim of the article is to study the essence of the concept of "competitiveness", systematization of the main components of its formation, identification of the most actual problems of ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural-food products of Ukrainian agricultural producers in the modern economy conditions. The analysis of the essential content of competi-tiveness showed the multifaceted and multidimensional nature of this concept, which is determined by the level of ability of products to be sold in the commodity market due to its properties as consumer value and consumer recognition of its superiority over similar products available in specific commodity markets at certain time and intended for sale to a certain group of consumers. The requirement to determine the competitiveness of agricultural-food products by focus-ing on assessing the usefulness of goods for consumers of each target group operating in the relevant market sector, determining the consumer price for this product, as well as determining the market capacity of supply - opportunities to bring goods to market with the highest level of compliance with consumer requirements. The analysis of special litera-ture, statistical information and empirical data allowed to identify the main problems of ensuring the competitiveness of products of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in foreign and domestic food markets. Emphasis is placed on the need to use in the economic activities of the agricultural-industrial complex of Ukraine the practice of assessing the actual competitiveness of its own agricultural products and its forecast development, subject to the implementation of a set of measures to ensure its growth. Further research should be aimed at developing a system of measures to ensure the competitiveness of agricultural-food products of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine.
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