• T. G. Vasyltsiv Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: competitiveness, agri-food products, strengthening of competitive positions, agri-food sector, state regulation, strategic priorities


The importance of formation and implementation of strategic priorities of the state policy of strengthen-ing the competitiveness of domestic agri-food products in the domestic and foreign markets is substantiated. The poten-tial of the domestic agri-food sector in foreign markets for agricultural and food products is indicated. Deficiencies of the system of state policy of programming development and strengthening of competitive positions of the domestic sec-tor of agro-food products are revealed. Weaknesses of strategic programming of the state policy of formation of bases of competitiveness of domestic agro-food production are revealed. Directions and measures to eliminate obstacles to strengthening the competitiveness of agri-food products in Ukraine and its regions are identified. It is proved that the priority areas of state policy in this direction should be considered to improve the macroeconomic characteristics of the environment of production and marketing of agri-food products; strengthening the financial security of entities - pro-ducers of agri-food products; development of export potential of agro-food products; improving the investment envi-ronment in the agro-industrial sector; providing scientific and technological component of the sector development; strengthening the production component of the competitiveness of the agro-food subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex; strengthening of energy security and growth of energy efficiency in the subcomplex; improving the environ-mental safety of the agri-food sector. The strategic principles of the policy of ensuring the competitiveness of agri-food products of Ukraine are determined, in particular by such elements as the purpose of the strategy, its regulatory framework and directions of implementation, means of ensuring and means of monitoring the implementation of the strategy.


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