• Ya. P. Berezivsky S.Z. Gzhytsky Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies
Keywords: technological competitiveness, national economy, competition, conditions, factors


The purpose of the article is a scientific substantiation of the conditions and factors of formation of tech-nological competitiveness of the national economy, the set of which is quite variable and takes into account a number of aspects of the expansion and development of competition. The article proves that the formation of technological com-petitiveness of the national economy occurs in the context of the influence of certain conditions and factors. It is deter-mined that in each of the theories of competition considering their historical evolution the technological competitive-ness of the economy was studied in the context of access and ability to effectively use technological resources, market formation of innovations and technologies, implementation of state policy to stimulate innovation. The basic conditions for the formation of technological competitiveness include those that form an environment in which technological pro-cesses are of national importance, meet global changes, depend on the socio-economic status of the state and spread as modern and progressive development of the national economy. These are certain characteristics that provide a favora-ble environment for the development of a competitive environment, market of technologies and innovations, financial-investment and innovation-technological infrastructure, information society and digitalization of the economy, intellec-tual, creative and highly productive work, venture entrepreneurship. The distribution of conditions according to a number of functional aspects of the formation of technological competitiveness - market, infrastructure, technological, innovative, intellectual and resource was implemented. This functional approach is used in determining the factors shaping the technological competitiveness of the national economy. The basic factors include those that are statistically explicit, can be analyzed and synthesized, structurally and functionally designed and strategically justified while ensur-ing the required level of technological competitiveness of the economy.


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