In the conditions of permanent political and economic crisis in Ukraine, unpredictable challenges of in-ternal and external environment, it is important to substantiate the determinants of investment management at the re-gional and local levels and сreate incentives for socio-economic development. Ukraine needs significant structural changes, and this is impossible without the development of a mechanism for the reproduction of a coherent national economy. The rubricators of investment management efficiency and possible directions of its increase in the conditions of unstable environment are substantiated. The pragmatics of the economic situation of Ukraine is studied, the works of well-known scientific economic schools in the issues of investment management at the regional and local levels are analyzed. Theoretical and methodical bases of estimation of investment management efficiency are substantiated. Since we are talking about the transition to a regulated market economy, we can assume that methodologically and practical-ly there is a very difficult question of the interaction of the investment planning process with the market mechanism, for which planned dictate is not inherent. Therefore, the role of planning should be radically changed so that it does not press and does not interfere with the development of market relations in the investment complex. The directions of effi-ciency increase of investments management levers in the conditions of the unstable environment are proposed. It is concluded that the levers of stabilization policy work not only in times of crisis, but also in cases of need to consolidate the achieved level of development, maintain overall economic balance at full employment, sustainable economic growth, stable prices and balance of payments, prevention of undesirable output of economic parameters due to the impact on aggregate demand or aggregate products. In particular, improving the effectiveness of economic policy man-agement should be carried out in terms of target, function and resource approaches.