• V. V. Polishchuk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: migration, migration process, socio-economic development, society, human potential


The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the conceptual characteristics of migration pro-cesses and their impact on the socio-economic development of the state. A historical section of the analysis of the prac-tice and perception of migration processes, starting from primitive society and ending with modern globalization trends is implemented. The widespread contexts of research of migration processes in the modern domestic science of migra-tion at the junction of branches of knowledge of economics, sociology, law and public administration are generalized. Typical schemes of unrealized and repaid migration process are formed. It is concluded that for the modern globalized world unilateral migration processes remain widespread, which may involve a full cycle of adaptation, integration, naturalization and assimilation of the migrant or maintain the differentiation of the institution of citizenship. It is proved that the reverse migration process, in addition to the regulated one, can be voluntary - in case of unsuccessful adaptation or achievement of goals (obtaining a certain amount of income, knowledge, experience), and forced - in case of forced measures of the host society. It is emphasized that one of the modern and relevant schemes of the migra-tion process is the reverse. It was found that in the conditions of open borders, the main goal of regulating migration processes is often to ensure the cyclical nature of migration. The obtained results allowed to determine the impact (pos-itive and negative) of migration processes on the socio-economic development of the state according to the parameters of its provision (economic growth, investment, business and self-employment, demographic reproduction, labor mar-kets, social infrastructure, social protection system, level and quality of life population) and structural distribution (stages, changes in human potential, legal certainty, volumes, dynamics, intensity, time (periodicity), vector (geogra-phy), territorial subjects, purpose, causality and consequence, potentiality and feasibility, settlement).


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