• І. І. Svydruk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. Yu. Klepanchuk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: food and non-food goods, consumer services, households, institutional regulation, consumer prices


The article is devoted to the multifactor analysis of the peculiarities of the consumer market of Ukraine as an open system, which simultaneously meets the antagonistic goals of producers and trade intermediaries to increase profitability and capitalization as well as consumers to minimize the cost of meeting demand. The consumer market was studied as a tool to ensure socio-economic stability. A structural and dynamic analysis of the development of the Ukrainian consumer market in 2014-2020 was carried out and its stable growth was revealed despite a slight decrease in the services volume of sales. Changes in the commodity structure of the consumer market are analyzed. It was found that the largest share of household expenditures was concentrated in the food market, where there was a sharp rise of consumer prices. It is shown that in general the average monthly total expenditures of households in the consumer market decreased, especially for non-food goods and services, which is caused by socio-economic uncertainty of con-sumers. It was found that the devaluation of the hryvnia, the reduction of current budget expenditures and the rapid increase in tariffs for housing and communal services have led to household incomes decrease and poverty increase. Ukraine's accession to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030 Program was aimed at overcoming the prob-lem. A factor analysis of the impact of the non-food goods and services markets development on Ukraine's GDP growth was performed. It was found that the state of the consumer market of food products has almost no effect on the dynam-ics of nominal GDP, while the growth of markets for non-food goods and services is guaranteed to lead to an increase in GDP. Further research is proposed to focus on the development of institutional tools for conceptual transformations of the domestic consumer market.


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