• L. A. Trachenko Odesa National University of Economics
  • N. V. Dobrova Odesa National University of Economics
Keywords: process approach, operational program, methods, ISO 9001: 2015 standard, quality management systems, expert evaluation of business processes


The article proves that the process approach is the basis of modern tools for making management decisions at enterprises in various fields. It is substantiated that the use of the process approach in the formation of the production program of the enterprise is determined by the fact that its development requires the definition of a clear sequence of individual stages, procedures and planned calculations. The application of a systematic approach to the development of a comprehensive production program of the enterprise is considered. Emphasis is placed on the feasibility of using traditional, targeted and optimal methods of implementing a process approach to the formation of the production program of the enterprise and revealed the essence of each of them. The composition and sequence of the main stages of the process of forming the production program of the enterprise with the definition of methods of their implementation are analyzed. The program of operational activity for the enterprises of the sphere of engineering services taking into account requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015 concerning formation of quality management systems is proposed. It is proved that a significant addition to the main stages of the program of operational activities of enterprises in the field of engineering services is the expert assessment of business processes and the formation and implementation of corrective actions, which are implemented using the target method. The logical-structural scheme of expert assessment of business processes as a tool for implementation of an important stage of formation of the production program of engineering services enterprises as well as improvement of their quality management systems is proposed. As a result of the research it was concluded that the introduction of logical-structural scheme of expert evaluation of business processes will allow companies to identify problems of operational activities programs, make management decisions to eliminate their causes and ensure more effective implementation of the process approach in their quality management systems.


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