• N. I. Fedynets Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. V. Kushnir Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: competitiveness, competitiveness factors, competitiveness management, anti-tuberculosis sanatorium


The article examines current issues related to the management of competitiveness of non-profit enterprises - anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums. The purpose of the article is to determine the main directions of competitiveness management of anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums, to argue the feasibility of assessing competitiveness as a prerequisite for ensuring its appropriate level. Confirmation of the urgency of this issue is the significant interest of the scientific community. In the course of the research it was determined that the medical sphere has been characterized by a number of changes in recent years: re-profiling of medical institutions, granting their autonomy, functioning in a special mode because of COVID-19 pandemic. It was revealed that an important prerequisite for ensuring competitiveness is the formation of a system of criteria for assessing the competitiveness of anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums. It was found that the strengths of anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums are qualified staff, high quality services, the use of effective methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, providing qualified specialized sanatorium&rehabilitation care for patients with active and inactive forms of tuberculosis. Among the weaknesses of anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums: interaction with other health care institutions on health issues, paid carrying out of separate diagnostic researches; insufficient rehabilitation of medical staff of the anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums, the need for continuous training in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis patients by TB doctors through internships, traineeships on the basis of higher education institutions, incomplete restructuring of the bed stock; low salaries of staff. It is concluded that in order to ensure the competitiveness of sanatoriums it is necessary to concentrate, first of all, on the quality of medical services. The main stages of the process of managing the competitiveness of anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums are proposed. Further research can be aimed at forming an effective mechanism for managing the development of anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums in Ukraine.


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