Keywords: polymers, ware, polypropylene, sensory analysis, organoleptic parameters


At the present stage, the issue of quality of long-term use plastic ware becomes especially important. The article presents the results of a study of the quality of reusable plastic ware of various domestic and Asian producers. Quality determination was performed using modern equipment. At the first stage of experimental research, the conformity of labeling data was determined; the next stage is the study of the outer surface of the product; the third stage – the determination of hygienic indicators, which was carried out  by processing products with certain model liquids (selected taking into account the contact with which food products this product is intended). We selected model liquids for contact of dishes with fruits, berries, canned fruits and berries (solution – distilled water, 2% citric acid solution), as well as for contact with ready meals (solution – distilled water, 1% acetic acid solution). Everything was carried out taking into account the time of contact of the food product with the plastic ware from 2 to 48 hours, therefore, the exposure for the study was 3 days. Subsequently, the impact of experimental samples of plastic on organoleptic parameters was assessed. The change in color and transparency of the aqueous extract was determined visually by comparing on a white background 50 ml of the extract with 50 ml of distilled water placed in colorless glass cylinders. The next study was to determine the intensity of odor and taste, expressed in points. All samples were subjected to the study of “dye resistance”, as well as “thermal resistance of products to hot food” by immersing the product in water of a given temperature; “chemical resistance” tested by immersion of products in 1% acetic acid solution, 1% soap-alkaline solution, preheated to a temperature of (60 ± 5) ºC for 10 minutes. Given that the salad bowl (made in China) did not contain labeling data on the composition of the polymer, the identification of polymer by flammability was accomplished. It was found that three samples meet the requirements, but two remaining samples – small salad bowl produced by TDV “Polyplast” (Ukraine) and salad bowl without labeling data, made in China – do not meet the requirements of current regulations and can not be accepted for sale.


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