Keywords: biocidal treatment, light resistance, development load, cotton fabrics, biostability


The results of researches of influence of biocidal processing on indicators of light resistance and breaking characteristics of cellulose – containing fabrics are resulted in the article. It is known that in the process of influence of solar energy, in particular light, on textile materials and products, there is a burnout of paint and destruction of textile fibers, destruction of finishes, etc. In conditions of high humidity there is also biodamage of textile materials by various microorganisms – fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes. The aim of the work is to study the light fastness of the fibrous base of cotton-polyester multi-component fabrics for special clothing treated with antimicrobial thiosulfanate finishing preparations ethylthiosulfanilate (ETS), methylthiosulfanilate (MTS) and allylthiosulfanyl. These biocidal products are synthetic analogues of natural phytoncides, which are synthesized at Lviv Polytechnic. The influence of fibrous composition, method of dyeing and antimicrobial treatment on the change of light fastness of the substrate of these tissues is studied. As a result of the study of cotton-polyester fabrics with antimicrobial properties, it was found that biocidal treatment significantly inhibits the light aging of the fibrous base. The rate of rupture of tissues without treatment after 300 hours irradiation decreased by 22.0% –26.0% depending on the composition of tissues, after treatment – by 12.5%–17%. All selected biocidal products ETS, MTS and ATS effectively protect the fibrous base of the studied tissues from prolonged exposure to sunlight. The ability to inhibit discoloration of stains and light aging of the fibrous base is one of the most important advantages of thiosulfonate preparations selected for research. It has also been proven that with prolonged irradiation, biocides inhibit the dye discoloration process and slow down the substrate destruction process.


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