The technological parameters influencing the process of aqueous extraction of flavonoids in phytopowder from the root of snake bitter were studied, and it was shown that the only significant factor influencing it is the ratio of raw materials and solvent, which in turn suggested an express method for determining water-soluble flavonoids. The regularities revealed during the development of the analytical method for the determination of water-soluble flavonoids in phytopowder from snake bitter, allowed to develop a new method of obtaining flavonoids (technical routine) based on aqueous extraction.
A method for quantifying the amount of flavonoids in phytopowder from the root of snake bitter in terms of rutin has been developed. The optimal conditions for extracting the amount of flavonoids from variable snake bitter have been studied and selected. The error of a single definition does not exceed 4,25%. The conditions of extraction are selected. A thick extract of phytopowder from the roots of snake bitter gourd was obtained. Quantitative analysis of flavonoids of dense extract of phytopowder from the roots of bitter snake by spectrophotometric method was carried out. The obtained results show that 75% concentration of ethyl alcohol is optimal in the studied range. The bulk of flavonoids is removed by the solvent in the first minutes of extraction and then the removal of small residues.
It was found that the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin in the test sample of the thick extract is 6,28 ± 0,099.
It is proved that phytopowder from the root of snake bitter can be used as a natural source for obtaining biologically active additives in flour confectionery technologies.
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