Keywords: technology, semi-finished product, freezing, yeast dough, gluten, fibrin, stuffing, kelp, fucus.


Abstract. Today, food science knows many technologies for obtaining semi-finished products and readyto- go culinary products from yeast dough, along with comprehensive studies of their quality indicators. However, the vast majority of such developments concern dough products without stuffing. Also, for the most part, there is no review of ways to improve the quality of frozen ready-to-go products, especially aspects of the technology of re-freezing, thawing and cooking (warming) of ready-to-go products, in particular with stuffing, without changing the organoleptic properties of the finished products. Therefore, the technology of frozen semi-finished products from yeast dough with stuffing and the study of their quality indicators proposed in the work are appropriate, relevant and will be of scientific interest among specialists in the food industry. The purpose of the study is to develop the technology of frozen semi-finished products with stuffing and to study the influence of re-freezing, thawing and reheating on the quality indicators of finished products. The main results of the study. The influence of the introduction of dry wheat gluten on the quality of fibrin in the tested dough samples was determined experimentally, and its influence on the deliquescence of the fibrin ball was investigated. The recipe composition of the frozen semi-finished product from yeast dough with stuffing is presented, taking into account the mass fraction of added dry wheat gluten, as well as the technological scheme for the production of frozen semi-finished product from yeast dough with stuffing is developed. The optimal amount of adding gluten to the basic dough was found: it is advisable to replace no more than 4% of the mass of flour with fibrin. An analysis of the organoleptic quality indicators of the developed products with different contents of seaweed in the stuffing was carried out, which proved the relevance of adding algae as moisture-retaining agents. Prospects for further research in this direction. The analysis of the obtained data shows that the addition of kelp for no more than 3% and fucus for 5% of the weight of the stuffing is appropriate, improves and naturally enhances the taste properties of the products. Therefore, studies of the influence of kelp and fucus algae on quality indicators and storage of other flour and flour pastry products with stuffing will be promising.


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