Keywords: food products, hygienic practice, prevention, quality control, production, food safety.


Abstract. The issues discussed in the article are inextricably linked to the health of society in all countries of the world. It is shown that the safety of food products during their production depends on the application of such practices as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Hygienic Practice (GHP) and the implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. Issues of the role and importance of the basics of compliance with the rules of hygiene during production, which guarantees the receipt of high-quality and safe products for the consumer, are highlighted. The stages and conditions of the development of a microbial infection are given. Informed about the conditions affecting the contamination of food production and the reproduction of bacteria, namely: temperature, hygrometry, degree of food dehydration, acidity. Water has an important influence on the development of microorganisms. Like all living things, microbes need water to grow. Water is contained in all products. In its free form, it is used by viruses, bacteria, or other food-related components such as salt or sugar. The role of air, which has an important influence on the development of microbes, is shown. The reasons for the inconsistency of the total bacterial load on food are shown, and the viruses that are labeled depending on their oxygen demand are considered. Listeria monocytogenic were considered that can contaminate food products. Only Listeria monocytogenic is considered pathogenic for humans. Cooked food may remain contaminated due to insufficient heat treatment or be contaminated by cross-contamination after processing. The most likely causes of non-compliance of food products are eliminated by prevention. Proposed measures to combat Monocytogenes, strains of Clostridium botulinum, which have characteristics of the Genus clostridium (gram-positive, anaerobic, heat-resistant spore-forming bacilli). Clostridium botulinum strains are divided into three groups (I, II and III) based on their bacteriological characteristics. The presence of spores and the possible ability to synthesize neurotoxins are the main characteristics of Clostridium botulinum. Ensuring the quality of food is achieved mainly through the implementation and observance of product quality management systems and standards that record requirements for them.


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