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investment attractiveness
business subjects
types of economic activity
indicators of descriptive statistics
taxonomic analysis
financial and economic indicators

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The research is devoted to the problems of business entities’ analysis according to various financial and economic indicators, in particular, capital investments, the level of profitability, profit before taxation and the volume of sales. The methods of descriptive statistics and taxonomic analysis as one of the methods of statistical modeling are considered in the article. An analysis of the most and least attractive types of economic activity for investment was offered, taking into account various financial and economic results. Special attention is focused on the study of the functioning of business entities of various types of economic activity in dynamics. The top 5 types of economic activity by financial and economic activity of business entities are visualized. The situation with the variability of the economic environment, uncertainty and risk, which affect the functioning of the economic system is also reflected in this paper. In addition, taxonomic indicators of the development of business entities of various types of economic activity were calculated using the Euclidean distance between the elements of the economic system and the standard. The article also presents the maximum, minimum, and average value of the indicators of the balance sheet of enterprises, in particular, non-current and current assets, etc., in terms of types of economic activity for 2021. Emphasis is placed on the investment attractiveness of various types of economic activity, taking into account four indicators of financial and economic activity of business entities in the relevant spheres. The reasons for the investment attractiveness of the leaders and outsiders of the rating are determined based on the results of the taxonomic analysis. The peculiarities of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the functioning of enterprises of various types of economic activity and on investment attractiveness are taken into account, as well as the dependence on the human factor, in particular the tastes and moods of consumers, etc. are emphasized.
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