The study reveals topical issues of ensuring financial and economic security of network structures in the context of uncertainty caused by full-scale military operations on the territory of Ukraine. In the article, the authors systematize scientific approaches to defining the essence of financial security of business structures, identify the essence of financial security of network structures and substantiate the typical characteristics that distinguish it from other business entities. It is substantiated that a feature of network structures is the ability to respond quickly and adequately to the predicted changes in the external and internal environment in future periods, which is undoubtedly one of the conditions for ensuring the financial security of such business entities. It is noted that one of the greatest risks to the financial security of all enterprises, including network-type enterprises, is military risks. At the same time, the paper systematizes the main threats to the financial and economic security of network business enterprises and identifies external and internal threats to their financial security. The main measures to increase the level of financial security of network business enterprises in conditions of uncertainty are outlined. It is established that the main consequences of the negative impact of threats on the financial security of network structures are a decrease in demand, rising energy prices, disruption of logistics, increased costs (for ensuring the safety of employees, for the supply of raw materials and goods); the need to adjust the development strategy of network structures, financial instability. The authors also highlight the tools for ensuring the financial security of a network-type enterprise, in particular: monitoring the sales market and forecasting sales volumes, optimizing costs, developing an alternative action plan in case of military aggression or other shocks, conducting risk analysis, creating reserve funds, and others.
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