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advertising ecotourism

How to Cite

НarbarZ., & Gontaruk, Y. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET FOR THE PROMOTION OF ECOTOURISM SERVICES. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (6), 5-11.


The article examines the peculiarities of promoting services on various Internet resources. An analysis of existing approaches to creating a marketing company in the worldwide Internet was carried out. It was established that today it becomes possible to use more and more effective tools for promoting ecotourism to the market, which combine traditional marketing methods and new information technologies, to achieve the goal of the enterprise. Typical parameters of corporate websites of enterprises are characterized. It was determined that the Internet platform for promoting goods and services to the market is understood as a platform for posting thematic online advertisements, which unites targeted stakeholders (manufacturers, investors, consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, subcontractors, counterparties, etc.) for buying, selling or exchange of goods, as well as the implementation of other business operations in an interactive mode. The requirements for the creation of an Internet platform for the promotion of goods to the market are singled out as well-known, but important: as many registered sellers and buyers as possible; as much traffic as possible; web design and interface adapted to the capabilities of mobile devices; payment (outlines targeted (targeted) connections between platform users and cuts off non-targeted contacts). The need to pay special attention to the development of ecotourism enterprises of their own web resources, namely to work out its structure, determine the sections and subdivisions of which it will consist, was noted. It has been proven that the innovative development of rural tourism in the region requires clear planning, which provides for the introduction of certain socio-economic advantages under the condition of maintaining the sustainability of regional development by protecting the environment and local culture. It was determined that social networks have become one of the main methods of communication between enterprises and consumers, which meet the modern requirements of the market of services in the field of ecotourism. It has been proven that the introduction of information technologies into the marketing activities of enterprises allows to increase the recognition of enterprises, to quickly respond to the changing interests of consumers of goods, while interacting directly with customers, showing attention to each of them, which affects their attitude to the brand.
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