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destination marketing
marketing strategies
COVID-19 pandemic

How to Cite

Semak, B. (2021). THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE TOURISM DESTINATIONS MARKETING. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, 1(2), 64-71.


The article examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the marketing of tourist destinations. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has become a real challenge for tourism enterprises around the world and has prompted them to substantially revise their marketing strategies and programs in a market that will never be the same. The main task of this research is to study the peculiarities of marketing tourist destinations in a pandemic COVID-19 conditions and develop a list of practical recommendations for relevant government agencies and tourism enterprises to implement effective marketing activities and effectively adapt marketing strategies to these conditions. In order to effectively solve the problems in the field of destination marketing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of recommendations were formulated, which can be implemented by relevant government agencies and tourism enterprises specializing on tourist services in tourist destinations. In particular, it is proposed to plan marketing strategies for tourist destinations considering the possibility of solving the problems of epidemiological safety and hygiene for tourists who choose these destinations for visit. Due to the sharp reduction of the availability of air transportation, tourism companies must expand their activities by attracting more tourists in the domestic market and in the markets of neighboring countries. Providing services to individual tourists and their families in the field of leisure in destinations is one of the ways to preserve and develop business in a pandemic conditions. Tourism companies through marketing communication channels, primarily through social networks and online services, should more actively encourage young people to visit tourist destinations, as a target group that most actively returns to pre-crisis models of buying behavior and consumption of tourist services. It is proved that the active use of the latest digital technologies (virtual tours, augmented reality) in the field of destination marketing is one of the most promising areas for maintaining and ensuring the development of tourism business not only during the pandemic, but also after it.
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