Keywords: ambient-marketing, ambient-advertising, ambient-media, marketing communications, non-traditional types of advertising


The article studies the essence of ambient-marketing and the ways of its effective implementation in the marketing communications of the company. Ambient-marketing should be considered as atypical advertising with the main emphasis on non-standard media and their placement in the environment. The role of ambient-marketing increases with the constant increase of advertising in communication between the company and its consumers, as non-standard advertising activities attract higher attention of recipients and allow them to better remember a particular brand. The main principle of ambient-marketing is that advertising information is integrated into the consumer's environment, located in unexpected places, surprises, stimulates a strong emotional response from potential consumers, creates a desire to try the product/service. Ambient-marketing technologies are effective where the company can "catch and surprise". Authors studied why advertising in the environment arouses respect and interest of consumers, although it is not aimed at a mass audience. The article defines the distinctive features of ambient-advertising. The strengths of ambient-marketing in terms of its effective implementation in marketing communications is to enhance the competitive advantages of the company, including attention, virality, organicity and unobtrusiveness; reaching a wider audience, increasing the time of contact with the ambient-media; increasing customer loyalty to the brand; memorability. But there are also some disadvantages of ambient-marketing, such as contradictory use of some communication channels; the need for constant change of advertising; higher cost of ambient-advertising compared to traditional. Authors emphasize that ambient-marketing technologies allow to use any surrounding space as a potential carrier for the presentation of goods/services, thoughts, ideas and communication of the company with potential customers. The article provides the list of media of ambient-advertising and examples of its original placement in non-traditional places. Ambient-marketing in modern conditions is one of the best means of breaking into the markets of goods and services due to the specifics of marketing communication with potential consumers, strengthening the company's image and customer loyalty.


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