Keywords: public administration, social development, human capital, organization, system, threepartism, state institutions


The article considers the improvement of human well-being and security as the main goal of any country, which is achieved by the implementation of social policy. Management of the social development of an organization is defined as the basis of the of the country's social policy development. The analysis and generalization of the existing interpretations of the essence of the concept of "social development of organizations" made it possible to interpret this concept as progressive quantitative, qualitative and structural organizational changes aimed at improving the social environment of the enterprise and the sphere of social relations with groups interested in the enterprise's activities - owners, staff, consumers, public, business partners on the basis of social partnership and participatory management approach. The key determinants of the concept of "social development of organizations" are proposed to include: social responsibility of the enterprise to society; development of the compensation system for labor participation of personnel; social development of the company's personnel; development of the social infrastructure of the enterprise; permanent training and development of the company's personnel; development of corporate culture. It has been determined that social policy in Ukraine, which is unsystematic and disconnected from the logic of economic transformations, has led to significant negative phenomena, polarization of the population by income level, property and social stratification, weakening of motivation for active work. It is highlighted that it is worth strengthening the principle of "threepartism" and the social component in the social and labor relations of the subjects of social partnership for the full-fledged management of social development. Proposed systematization and methodical recommendations of state management of social development. The role and importance of the organization of state institutions in the management of social development is substantiated.


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