Keywords: corporate management, corporate control, settlements with the founders of the business entity (shareholders), organization, methodology, model


One of the main trends in the modern development of the national economy is the transformation of the sphere of corporate relations of business entities. The development of corporate management leads to changes in the system of economic and social relations at all levels of economic development, which requires the improvement of principles and organizational&methodological aspects of management at all levels, the development of a model that meets the conditions of the relationship between ownership and management of the enterprise. Corporate control is a component of the corporate management system, which is designed to balance the interests of the participants in corporate relationships in the process of their participation in activities. The purpose of corporate control is to ensure the constant optimization of the owners' incomes, ensuring the long-term viability of the enterprise through effective management, taking into account the interests of interested parties and counteracting the possibility of economic danger. The article substantiates the importance of corporate control in the management system of a business entity, reveals its essence and characterizes key features. Forms of corporate control are singled out and it is proved that internal control of corporate settlements with participants is an important component of it. The organizational elements of control of corporate settlements with participants (as part of the purpose, tasks and subjects of control) are structured and considered. An organizational and methodological model of internal control of corporate settlements with participants was formed and its methodological component was investigated.


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