The article examines theoretical and applied approaches to the introduction of innovations and high technologies in the trade of Ukraine. The purpose of the article was the study of modern approaches and solutions for building an innovative model of sustainable development of trade networks, as well as the search for tools for the intro-duction of innovations and high technologies in the trade of Ukraine during the period of post-war reconstruction of the national economy. It has been proven that trade is the best area for the introduction of innovations and high technolo-gies, and a number of characteristic features of this process have been revealed. The definition of "innovation in trade" has been clarified as the foundation of activity necessary to increase efficiency and competitiveness in the conditions of radical transformations of the trade industry. The existence of the category "innovative potential" is argued and its essence is clarified, as a set of resources and actions used to achieve the intended goal of innovative activity in trade. It is substantiated by the prerequisites for the transition of trade to an innovative direction of development in order to achieve the specified growth rates and obtain the necessary rate of profit; conquest of the market segment. On the basis of the study of the cycles of the transition of trade to the innovative direction of development, the role of organizational and economic support was revealed as a prerequisite for the performance of all types of activities aimed at increasing the efficiency of innovative activities and the competitiveness of a trade enterprise. A scheme for building an innovative model of sustainable development of trade networks is proposed as a process of formation and search for innovative solutions based on the step-by-step implementation of successive tasks. Separate measures for building a model and choosing tools for the introduction of innovations and high technologies in the trade of Ukraine are proposed. It was concluded that the trading company in the process of its innovative activity is forced to implement innovative solutions by analyzing the relevant information flows. This dependence is usually due to the importance of achieving short-term and long-term goals defined for the trading company.
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