Keywords: SWOT - analysis of professional activity, pedagogical skill, pedagogical management, selfanalysis, self-reflection, professional and pedagogical activity


A modern teacher must constantly analyze and evaluate his professional activity and strive for its improvement. A teacher, using various methods, can evaluate his work, and SWOT analysis is one such method. The article highlights the principles of using a SWOT analysis for evaluating and planning a teacher's activities. The features are revealed and the essential characteristics of the SWOT analysis method as a tool of educational management are described. Based on a thorough analysis of scientific sources, the main criteria for a teacher's work have been determined. It is emphasized that the developed system of analysis of an educator's activity is unified. The basis of the system is the SWOT analysis, which was developed taking into account the achievements of qualitative science and can become the tool that can be used to analyze any problems in the teacher's activity and, on its basis, make appropriate management decisions to overcome them. Object of the study: SWOT analysis as a basis for self-evaluation of the teacher's activity, which forms the professional identity of the specialist. The goal is to analyze aspects of the application of SWOT analysis in the process of a teacher's work, to make a kind of systematized picture of the difficulties he faces in his professional and pedagogical work, to see the results of his own pedagogical activity, to identify the causes of shortcomings in his work. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, comparison and generalization); empirical (observation, self-observation), diagnostic (student surveys, methods of analyzing activity results).


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