This article examines the effects of regional growth in neighbouring Poland on the gross regional product (GRP) of three Ukrainian border regions of Volyn, Transcarpathia and Lviv. It is important for setting of priorities in the development of cross-border infrastructure and planning of main directions regarding establishment of border region economies, as well as in the wider context of European integration and realities of the post-war reconstruction in Ukraine. Using the General Method of Moments (GMM) estimates of annual data for the 20022021 period, it is found that in all cases there is a positive synergy between dynamics of GRP in the Lubelskie voivodship of Poland and border regions of Ukraine. It is worth noting that for the Lubelskie voivodship the coefficient of correlation with the GRP of the Lviv Region at 0,60 is very close to the coefficient of correlation with the GRP of the Mazovetske voivodship at 0,63; coefficients of correlation with the GRP of the Volyn Region and the Trnascarpathian region. Regional growth of the Podkarpatskie voivodship, another border region of Poland, contributes to the GRP growth of the Lviv Region, but the causality is just the opposite for the Volyn Region. As for the effects of two other Polish voivodships situated not far from the border, regional growth of the Malopolskie voivodship is expansionary for the GRP growth of the Volyn Region and the Lviv Region; however, all three Ukrainian border regions reveal a contractionary reaction to GRP growth of the Mazovetske voivodship, a largest region in Poland. It is likely that economic development of the Mazovetske voivodship divert resources from the neighbouring voivodships, thus setting obstacles to economic development of the border regions of Ukraine. On the whole, our results are in favour of closer cooperation between border regions of Ukraine and Poland, which is fruitful for our country. Among other results, depreciation of the hryvna is contractionary for the Volyn Region and the Lviv Region, being in accordance with the results of other studies utilizing datasets on the national level (for the Transcarpation Region, the negative coefficient on the exchange rate in the growth equation lacks statistical significance). As expected, crisis developments of 2008-2009, 2014-2016 and 2020-2021 contributed to a significant GRP slowdown in all Ukrainian border regions, but the negative effect is somewhat weaker for the Lviv Region.
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