Keywords: business, innovation, counterparty, client, marketing, management, buyer, CRM, system, consumer, trade enterprise, trade service, factors, efficiency


The article examines the factors of increasing the efficiency of innovative management in the trade service system, which ensure the use of the CRM system to obtain a competitive advantage regardless of the field of commercial entrepreneurship, allow to reduce administrative costs, increase sales and the level of demand satisfaction. The purpose of the article is to optimize the management of innovative activity in the trade service system. In the course of the study, the view of the respondents on sales and service in the retail network was revealed, and four types of consumer behavior were distinguished. It has been confirmed that innovative activity in the trade service system depends on the number of buyers, the client base and the density of relationships. It has been proven that a feature of a successful innovation process is the creation of cross-functional teams. It is emphasized that the basis of the management model of innovative activity in the trade service system is the sequence of stages of the decision-making process. The analysis of special literature made it possible to systematize the types of innovations and group the indicators of innovative activity for the trade service system. Of particular interest is the algorithm for assessing the degree of novelty of a management innovation for trade services. Particular attention is paid to establishing the conditions under which innovative activity in trade services creates long-term competitive advantages. In order to improve the performance of managers, four levels of customer service are distinguished. In the research process, it was confirmed that the knowledge of buyers is an information resource, a constituent element of the trading company's database, and two approaches to their management were proposed: "codification" and "personalization". The need to develop client-orientation, in particular, loyalty among sales staff, was noted. Further research should be aimed at deepening the theory and methods of diagnosing the state of innovative activity.


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