Keywords: Internet of Things, services, innovation, entrepreneurship, efficiency, commerce, digitalization.


Abstract. The article addresses the issues of innovative development of service enterprises based on the use of Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities. The implementation of IoT in the service sector opens up new opportunities for improving the efficiency of operational processes, enhancing service quality, and creating additional value for customers. The main concepts and approaches to the use of IoT are highlighted, and examples of successful implementation of these technologies in various service industries are considered. The impact of IoT on key performance indicators of service enterprises, such as productivity, timeliness, accuracy, and security, has been studied. It has been determined that the integration of IoT technologies allows for more precise monitoring and control of resources, optimization of management processes, and reduction of operational costs. An important aspect is also the increase in customer satisfaction due to more personalized and prompt service. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of barriers and challenges faced by enterprises in the implementation of IoT. The main problems include technical, financial, and organizational barriers, as well as issues of data privacy and security. Possible solutions to these problems are proposed, including the implementation of relevant standards, the development of infrastructure, and the improvement of employees' digital literacy. The conclusions provide recommendations for the strategy of IoT implementation for the innovative development of service enterprises. The importance of a systematic approach to the integration of new technologies, the necessity of adapting organizational structures and management processes, and the development of new business models that consider the potential of IoT are emphasized. The prospects for further research in this direction are identified, including the study of the impact of IoT on various aspects of enterprise activities and the analysis of successful implementation practices.


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