Keywords: management, land relations, global challenges, digitalization, war, institutional foundations.


Abstract. Institutional principles of land management in modern challenges should be aimed not only at restoring pre-war normality, but also at creating a more stable and flexible system that can adequately respond to future challenges, which forms the basis for long-term stability and prosperity of Ukraine. The key directions of state policy in this area are not only the re-establishment of the effective functioning of the land market, but also the guarantee of food security and stability of land relations at the local level, with special attention to the protection of the rights and interests of citizens and communities. This article offers a comprehensive analysis of state policy regarding the management of land resources in Ukraine amidst contemporary challenges. It examines the four levels of the hierarchical structure of land policy, which are oriented towards the implementation of legislative acts and directives of state authorities. It is argued that the primary function of state administration involves regulatory and administrative influences on societal relations, which are critically important for adaptation to wartime conditions, particularly from the perspective of ensuring food security and restoring food exports. The article thoroughly analyzes legislative initiatives aimed at adapting land relations to the realities of war, emphasizing the minimization of risks associated with illegal transactions and speculation. Special attention is given to creating conditions for supporting food security and economic stability at the local community level, highlighting the importance of institutional support in the face of modern challenges. The main focus is on the impact of these changes on the efficiency of the agricultural sector. It is substantiated that the year 2023 was significant in the context of the development of land legislation in Ukraine, where the main task was to adapt land relations to the state of war, with a particular focus on reforming the management of state enterprises through a shift from permanent land use to leasing to increase revenue from their utilization.


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