Keywords: service sector, electronic terminals, electronic terminal services, intermediary services, consumer cooperation, innovation, innovation mechanisms, retail trade, electronic trade, efficiency.


Abstract. The article analyzed the effectiveness and identified the main directions of using the services of electronic terminals in the field of retail trade of consumer cooperatives. An analysis of the development of digital technologies as a market phenomenon was carried out. It was found that one of the key tasks of the digital network, in addition to saving and ensuring the movement of information on electronic media, is the provision of financial services. The main historical prerequisites for the formation and development of the processes of digitalization of the economy and the sphere of commodity circulation and services are determined – from the most ancient times to the present. The place of consumer cooperation in the Ukrainian market of goods and services has been determined. It was concluded that the promising direction of the development of trade in the system of consumer cooperation is the provision of intermediary services to consumers located in small settlements and in rural areas through the use of electronic terminals. The trends in the development of the electronic payment terminal services market in Ukraine are analyzed. It was emphasized that the first steps have already been taken in the system of consumer cooperation of Ukraine regarding the use of terminal services on the basis of retail trade enterprises within the framework of the implementation of a pilot project on the functioning of electronic terminals in shops in rural areas. Prospective groups of goods and services have been determined, which it is advisable to implement using the services of electronic terminals of consumer cooperation. The size of the necessary investments for the implementation of the pilot investment project on the organization of the activities of 1000 electronic terminals in the system of consumer cooperation has been substantiated. The analysis of the performance indicators of the implementation of this project in the system of consumer cooperation for two years allows us to assert not only high absolute indicators of project implementation, but also a high level of relative indicators (efficiency coefficient of the products sold, profitability and profitability of implementation, labor productivity). The main advantages and social effects of the implementation of such an innovative project in the system of consumer cooperation are substantiated, namely: lower costs for the operation of terminals compared to retail stores; the possibility of providing a wide range of goods and services in accordance with current consumer requests; ensuring a high level of availability of terminals for buyers; the possibility of providing various types of additional services.


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