Keywords: innovation, innovation potential, innovative activity, synergy, production diversification, diagnostics, capacity, model, modeling, modernization, constraints, optimization.


Abstract. The article provides a description of innovations and innovative activities. It provides an overview of the innovative potential using production strategies. The innovative potential is characterized as a comprehensive integration of modern key components. The key components of the innovative potential are analyzed, and a comprehensive model of the synergy of a company's innovative potential in the context of production diversification is developed. The main elements of the mechanism of interaction between innovative potential and production diversification are detailed. An example of multidimensional production diversification is presented. A set of methods and tools for assessing the internal capabilities of the company is compiled, including: resource and competence analysis, value chain, competitive environment, scenario analysis, financial, portfolio, modeling, and forecasting. The key criteria and factors on which the modernization of the production process depends, especially in the context of innovative potential and diversification, are developed. Important aspects considered in the process of comprehensive modernization and diversification of production are indicated. A model is developed that ensures the maximum efficiency of the use of production resources with constraints on meeting the demand for finished products, the use of raw materials, the volumes of loans for the production of each type of finished product, and the total amount of funds for the modernization of production. The model proposes components such as: indexes of the type of finished product, raw materials, corresponding volumes of funds, prices, demand and supply volumes of products, norms of certain resources consumption, the cost of modernizing the production process, and credit constraints. A solution to the production situation based on specific initial data on the research object, comprising two manufacturing enterprises and two types of raw materials, is proposed. The conclusions of the model regarding the optimization of production volumes for different products, distribution of credits and funds for diversification, efficient use of resources, and meeting market needs are presented. The proposed solution of the model shows optimized production volumes for different products, distribution of credits and funds for diversification, ensuring efficient use of resources and meeting market demands. This model is universal and can be applied for the diversification of production with the aim of expanding innovative potential.


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