Keywords: business process, trade enterprise, information support, management.


Abstract. The article describes the main characteristics of business processes of trade enterprises. Business processes are the basis for the successful functioning of enterprises, their description and algorithmization allow to operate successfully in the conditions of a changing economic environment. Attention is focused on the fact that the optimization of business processes is an important strategic task of the enterprise, through which reserves and potential for its further development are formed. It was determined that in an economic system with developed competition, all business processes of an enterprise must have relevant information support for their proper management. It is noted that in the process of expanding the company’s activities, the number of business processes that require planning, organization and control also increases. The characteristics that should reflect the local description of information support for business processes are given. To determine the field of involved information units, the article describes the blocks of business processes inherent in retail trade. In order to build an effective system of information support for the activities of trade enterprises, a list of tasks that must be solved during the structuring of business processes is proposed, as well as the shortcomings of information support for the management of trade enterprises. The article describes the types of indicators of the multi-level structure of the organizational pyramid. The article shows the shortcomings in the existing system of information support for the management of enterprises: the lack of a systematic approach to the construction of IS; lack of information communication between structural divisions; insufficient efficiency of work with information flows; duplication of data in different sources; complex system of socio-economic monitoring of enterprises. The concept of the system efficiency chain of information provision is described, which is based on the following parameters: business processes; costs; consumers; income. The article focuses on the synthesis of multifunctional information for the management of various blocks of business processes, which should be based on: the level of generalization according to various indicators, the boundaries of the enterprise, temporal localization, the complexity of the economic formation of the system, the transextensiveness of indicators.


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