Keywords: trade mediation, middle-mans, specialized wholesale trade, wholesale trade, wholesale trade principles, wholesale trade functions.


Abstract. We have presented trade and intermediary activities as one of the key factors of conducting trade activities on international and domestic markets. The main elements of trade mediation activity were considered: objects and subjects of trade mediation relations, their role in conducting trade operations and main characteristics. It has been determined what the main functions of trade and intermediary activity on foreign and domestic markets are and what is its importance at the current stage of the development of trade as a whole. It is substantiated that it is trade mediation activity that contributes to the expansion of trade relations, creates conditions for the emergence of new trade operations based on the main principles that are its regulators and the basis for the flow of any processes within trade relations. It is substantiated that the principles in trade and intermediary activity determine the basic norms of behavior that allow to ensure effective and ethical business conduct. It was determined that the modern principles of trade and intermediary activity create a basis for mutual relations between intermediaries, producers and consumers, contributing to the development of trust and stability in the market. In addition, it was determined that compliance with the principles that arose at the current stage of the development of trade and brokerage activity helps to avoid conflicts and increases the company's reputation among customers and partners, creating the necessary conditions for doing business, the emergence of stimulating competition and ensuring high quality of the provision of trade and brokerage services It is also determined that the principles in economic relations are the basis for building and maintaining longterm relations between businesses and other subjects in the trade sphere. The main principles of trade and intermediary activities not only create the necessary environment for the emergence of new companies, but also contribute to the further development and improvement of existing business models, processes and strategies, based on the search for new ways to improve the quality of goods, services, technologies and business processes. The contractual principles are presented, on which relations between subjects in trade and mediation activities are built as the main criterion regulating the implementation of trade and mediation operations.


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