Keywords: nooeconomics, axiology, cognitariat, symbolic exchange, authentic personality, ontological novelty.


Abstract. Methods of modifications of intellectual economic systems in the axiological&cultural context are considered. It is claimed that from a technological point of view, the information&digital economy will reach the degree of zero marginal costs of production due to the suppression of the determinism of time in labor systems, which is the substance of value, which will make it impossible to form the price of the market offer in an economic way - by calculating the costs of working time. It is also claimed: this will lead to the replacement of market institutional instruments of exchange by symbolic ones, which are characterized by the absence of the principle of reverse equivalent transitivity of exchange values. And this will mean: the principle of formation of the offer will not be an a priori deficit, but an existential surplus - the logotherapeutic effect of ontological novelty as a consumption value. The way of organizing management, in which intelligible creativity in monetized-semiotic representation will be the essential basis for the formation and movement of value through the mechanism of symbolic exchange, is defined by us as nooeconomics. The subject of the proposition in nooeconomics – the cognitary – will operate with the hermeneutic texts of the cultural tradition as exchange values. The awareness of the need in the demand structure will acquire attractive dimensions of the ontological novelty of the axiological&normative modes of being - the need to consume the truth, which reduces the intensity of the existing presence of care as a challenge. The axiological narrative of the marginal propensity to consume an intelligible product will be the perspective of the status of an authentic individual - the initiator of value chains in the structure of symbolic exchange. The digital possibilities of mass access annul the form of temporal determinism between need and expectation, turning the consumption of text into a constant hermeneutic need of the intellect, which expands the needs and possibilities of information consumption to infinity. The ontological novelty of an intellectual product as its consumption value expands the horizon of cultural identity by forming the resources of cognitiveaxiological solidarism as a relentlessly progressive demand for the permanent need for the manifestation of truth according to the structure of "Maslow's Sailboat". The cognitariat is interpreted as a new meritocratic elite of the nooeconomics of ideational culture.


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