The article identified and researched current trends that determine approaches to recruitment in the trade. The main trends in the development of trade have been identified and their relationship with the personnel man-agement system indicated. There are three main groups of trading enterprises depending on the methods of personnel management. Peculiarities of personnel management at trade enterprises of a certain group are revealed. Recruitment is one of the most important tasks to ensure the performance of functions and labor operations in trading company. A comparative description of internal and external sources of recruitment is given. It is pointed on recruitment as the most effective way to recruit staff from external sources. The definition of “recruiting” in terms of broad and narrow approaches is given. Trends that affect the recruitment function are analyzed, namely: the situation on the labor mar-ket, the specifics of working with candidates of different generations, the rules for attracting talents, the brand of the employer, information support and digitalization of recruitment. The study found: 1. Demand for staff in trade is con-stantly growing. The largest number of vacancies belong to companies that sell food, followed by clothing and electron-ics. 2. Trade is among the top 3 industries where all generations would like to work. Millennials want to work the most in trade. 3. Competition for talents is intensifying, which requires changes in the ways of attracting them. 4. The effec-tiveness of recruitment depends on the employer brand. 5. Social recruiting is a modern way of communication between a candidate and a recruiter. 6. Digital technologies automate screening and the hiring process. According to the results of the study, key approaches to the formation of a recruitment system in the trade are proposed.
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