• P. О. Kutsyk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • R. M. Voronko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • K. I. Redchenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. S. Voronko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: financial results, profit, loss, income, expenses, methods of analysis, analytical support, management


The importance of financial performance indicators for assessing the effectiveness of economic entities activity is considered. Economic analysis is defined as a tool for information support of rational management decisions. The tasks of the analysis of financial results directed on revealing of factors of influence on their value, granting of offers on mobilization of the revealed reserves concerning improvement and increase of profitability of activity are defined. Emphasis is placed on problematic issues related to the analysis of financial results and the use of profits, in particular, the information base and methods of its implementation. The economic content of the financial result is defined as the comparison of income obtained with expenses incurred in the reporting period, which causes an increase or decrease in the amount of equity. The financial result characterizes the result (profit or loss) of the business entity activity for a certain period of time. General economic, managerial and accounting-analytical aspects of financial results interpretation are revealed. It is determined that the financial result formed in managerial accounting is focused on possible options for decision-making by managers of different levels, owners, investors or creditors. The analysis of financial results should include not only a detailed assessment of the process of profit formation, but also its use. It is determined that the analysis of financial results of economic entities activities is carried out using different methods and models, the specific choice of which depends on the goals and objectives. Separate areas of analysis of financial results (vertical, horizontal, trend, etc.) are highlighted. It is determined that for full-fledged use in management the financial results analysis must meet the established requirements. The general structural and logical scheme of the enterprise’s financial results management and its analytical support is proposed.


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