• N. G. Mitsenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • B. I. Kabatsi Mukachevo Cooperative College of Trade and Economics
  • А. O. Fedorenko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: foreign trade, export, import, levels of social responsibility, indicators of dependence, export quota, import quota


The article considers topical problems of Ukraine's foreign trade development in the context of its impact on the country's economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the trends of change in the dependence of Ukraine's economy on foreign trade by studying economic indicators. Taking into account the factors that determine the development of Ukraine's foreign trade at the present stage, the need to study the dependence of Ukraine's economy on the development of foreign trade is justified. Proven that Ukraine's foreign trade must respond to the determinants of globalization (liberalization of world trade, increasing the role of non-tariff restrictions and covert protectionism, shift-ing the emphasis in its spatial development, regionalization), as well as take into account world trade trends. The scale of Ukraine's foreign trade in 2013-2019 is characterized by the volumes of exports, imports and foreign trade turnover. Indicators of dependence of Ukraine's economy on foreign trade (share of foreign trade turnover in GDP, dependence of the country's economy on exports (export quota), dependence of the country's economy on imports (import quota), import-export coverage ratio) were studied. Threats to the country's economic security have been identified both as a result of the country's foreign trade openness and its import dependence. The study of the International Trade Facilita-tion Index revealed a deterioration in the integrated assessment of Ukraine's ability to facilitate the movement of trade flows on the world market. The priorities of the state policy which will promote optimization of foreign trade are de-fined. Further research should focus on studying the commodity and geographical structure of export and import flows of goods and services. It is important to determine the determinants of the impact on the country's foreign trade turno-ver in terms of stimulants and destimulators, as well as to build correlation and regression models for the development of Ukraine's foreign trade indicators.


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