• N. V. Biletska Vinnytsia Institute of Clothing Design and Entrepreneurship
  • L. V. Tranchenko Uman National University of Horticulture
  • O. M. Tranchenko Uman National University of Horticulture
  • R. I. Lopatuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: strategy, forecasting, planning, methods, modeling


In the context of Ukraine's integration into the world economic space, the agricultural sector is one of the priority and strategically important sectors of the national economy. Therefore, the purpose of our research is to study, analyze and develop financial and economic methods for selecting priority areas of the agricultural sector of the region as a basis for strategic planning and forecasting, as well as improving results through quantitative characteristics of alternative scenarios. The article analyzes the mechanism and peculiarities of quantitative characteristics of alternative scenarios at the level of analysis, which helps the decision maker to visualize the profile of the alternative scenario at a certain point of time, to compare time sections of alternatives of one or more scenarios at a certain time. As a result of the research it was found that each factor, processed according to our proposed method, is described by a certain integral indicator, which includes grouped and ordered by importance for this factor linguistic variables in the form of verbal descriptions of possible scenarios of events development. Thus, the practical significance of research allows to formalize vague ideas about the development of the studied socio-economic process within a certain scenario, based on trends identified by experts and factors influencing the socio-economic system of the region and which need to be considered not only in terms of the general characteristics of a particular factor, but also in the context of a particular system and its target direction. It is determined that for short-term forecasting, especially in the conditions of fast, hopping-like change of a situation in national economy, forecasting of investment providing of regional economy is more optimum to carry out on the basis of the forecast of gross regional product as it is the resulting indicator characterizing branch structure and dynamics of regional economy, generalizing the impact of all growth factors.


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